Tag Archives: Parade

I love a parade … and so should small businesses

In my work with Community Marketing Associates, I’ve heard a great deal of complaining from retailers about special events like parades, street fairs and cruise nights.

“I run a landscape company/barber shop/insurance agency. An art fair doesn’t do anything to pull in business for me.”

“We close up shop for the Memorial Day/Fourth of July/Thanksgiving parade. It’s impossible for our customers to get in.”

“I hate Cruise Night. Parking is a nightmare. The organizers should be paying us for the drop in business and the inconvenience it causes our customers.”

True, events like these don’t make for business as usual for small businesses, but in return you get an up close and personal marketing opportunity to reach out to hundreds and thousands of people you don’t get from traditional advertising and people driving by at the speed limit.

For example, John Roehrig of JR3’s Party Store In Farmington isn’t letting a street closure for the Farmington Memorial Day Parade put a dent in his business for a couple of hours. He’s hosting a barbecue and selling hot dogs, chips and bottled water for $2 at his store. And, for the personal contact time he gets to spend with new customers, they’ll get a chance to find out he sells a range of craft beers worth returning for the next day, the next weekend, and even over the next few years.

Also, Pinwheel Bakery reminded its followers about Ferndale’s Memorial Day Parade on Facebook.

But what about that landscape company, barber shop and insurance agency that has nothing to do with an art fair, parade or a cruise night? Perhaps they won’t sell as many bags of peat moss, clip as many heads or sell fewer policies that day, but they could entice some new customers to come back another day. The landscape company could check out some of the artisans that are selling landscapes or garden art and offer to sell them in their store. The barber shop could run a “husband day care service” – a place where the guys can get their hair cut, grab a hot dog ,and watch a ball game while their wives and girlfriends browse the booths. (Is that male customer bonding, or what? This would work great for a bar, too.) The insurance agency could get out there and visit some of the people hanging out with their cars, which they insure. After all, who isn’t always looking for a better rate?

In short, there are more opportunities than obstacles … and don’t we all love a parade?

Bonnie Caprara is a Detroit-based freelance writer and media media relations and social media consultant. She can be reached at bcaprara@wowway.com and at MsQuote on Twitter.